Meal Distribution FAQ for Return to Elementary In-Person Instruction

Meal Distribution FAQ for Return to Elementary In-Person Instruction

Meal Distribution FAQ’s: Elementary Return to In-Person Instruction

Meal Distribution Sites for Cyber Learning Academy Students: Available

from 10:45 until 1:15

  • Howe Elementary (Door D14, the courtyard between the school and the courts)
  • Lincoln Elementary (Door C15, just off of the playground)
  • Jefferson Elementary School (Entrance A1, the entrance off the roundabout)
  • Mellon Middle School (Door D11, located in back of the school)
  • Mt. Lebanon High School (Entrance C20, facing the Athletic Building)

1) Will we still be utilizing the weekly survey?

Yes, please! If your child is returning for in-person instruction, please select that option on the survey. Our secondary students will be learning remotely on Wednesdays, which makes the survey important to ensure we have enough meals at each distribution
site those days! Likewise, we will be continuing to offer meals for those students who are continuing to learn remotely. The survey will be integral to us having enough food available for pick-up for remote students each day as well!

2) If I’m choosing “in-person instruction” as my survey response for the days they are attending school, how will you know what my student would like?

For those who are attending in-person instruction, we will resume taking meal counts each morning at the start of the school day. Their teacher will tally lunch counts and submit them to the Food Service Department to ensure enough of each item is sent to each school for the students!

3) Will my student still receive a breakfast if they are attending in-
person instruction?

Absolutely! However, we will not have breakfast available in the morning. Breakfasts will be distributed to each classroom at the end of each day. Students will collect their breakfast to take home with them with the intent of it being consumed for breakfast the
following day!

4) How will you know if my student wants breakfast?

Along with taking lunch counts each morning, teachers will also ask the students if they’d like a breakfast at the end of the day. This count will also be submitted to the Food Service Department. Each classroom will be supplied with enough breakfasts just before dismissal to ensure each student who ordered a breakfast receives one.

5) Will meals continue to be free during in-person instruction?

Yes! We have received word that meals will be available at no cost, regardless of free/reduced/paid lunch status, for the entire school year!

6) If my student attends in-person, AM or PM kindergarten, how
should we utilize the survey?

AM Kindergarten: Teachers will get your student’s order at the beginning of the school day and will email them to the Food Service Department. Your student will receive their breakfast and lunch as they are dismissed from school!

PM Kindergarten: If you would like to pick up a meal prior to your student’s arrival at school, please visit one of our meal distribution sites – Howe Elementary, Lincoln Elementary, Jefferson Elementary, Mellon Middle School and the high school!
If you would like your student to receive breakfast for the following day, your student’s teacher will get your student’s order at the start of their day. Your student will then receive their breakfast as they are dismissed from school!

7) If my student will be eating lunch at home, can I pick up a meal to
take home with them?

Absolutely! If your student wants to get a to-go meal you can pick it up at any of the aforementioned locations! If you plan to do this, we ask that your student does not ask for a meal when their teacher takes lunch counts for the classroom in the morning. We also ask that you record this via the survey and select the location you plan to pick the meal up at!